Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Found a peanut, found a peanut...."

Here's an image of the latest print I've been working on. Several weeks ago a co-worker asked me to do something related to peanuts. I tried a print that consisted of one peanut by itself and with several words surrounding it, but I didn't like the way it came out. I guess that can happen :)

Anyway, I tried something a little more authentic and this co-worker seems happy with what I've come up with. After showing it to her, she mentioned that the pitch fork and basket were quite authentic. Just lucky, I guess. The most experience I have regarding peanuts is what I buy at the grocery store. I remember buying some raw nuts in the shell for the first time almost 20 years ago. We got them home and started to shell them and eat them. Blech! When it came to raw nuts, my wife and I were just as green as the bag we bought from the local farmer! After a few inquiries, we were told that we had to roast them or boil them. We went with the roasting route because we had tried boiled peanuts in the past and were QUITE put off by their slimy texture.

That's about all for now. I'm not sure what I'll be working on next. Another co-worker would like a print of her house. I'm might branch out and do something else, but I'm not sure what I'm inspired to tackle at the moment. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 18, 2010

already I've fallen behind...

Well here it is the middle of January and I've fallen behind on keeping up with my blog. I've been preoccupied doing other things besides printing. Guess that's the life of a dad/husband with full time and part time jobs. I was working on a print related to peanuts for a co-worker, but I'm not happy with what I've done. So it's back to the drawing board.... literally.

My garden has been on my mind. It's been too cold and wet to do anything in it, but I've got to start thinking about getting it ready for Spring planting season. I also want to start researching some up coming art shows that I can participate in.

Other than that, I suppose I'll just continue my winter hibernation. Speaking of hibernation, you should check out Lily the Black Bear! There's a live den-cam you can watch on the web. She's in Minnesota and she'll be having her cubs sometime this winter. Sneak a peak at

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gas Wars and New Years Resolutions

This is a proof of the barn that I've been working on for a coworker.

Yes, you heard me, it seems that the town of Wallace, NC is in a bit of a gas war!!! And I like it. The new Murphy oil opened up at the Walmart in town and has had really cheap gas. 2.19 as of last evening. So, everyone else is matching their price. That has been good for everyone!!!! I hope that this continues for a while! Especially, since it is January and no pay check until the end of the month. The average for our area is 2.66 as reported on the news this evening.
In other news, I have been working on a commission over the holidays in bits and pieces. I'm hoping to have it done so that I can continue with my normal printmaking production.

My printmakers on were discussing New Years resolutions today, so I thought I'd set some for myself. These are kind of lofty so we'll see how I do.

1. I would like to do at least 5 new prints this year, I would also like to try to do more reduction prints. Already got 1 done!!!
2. I would like to do at least 2 acrylic paintings this year. Possibly have it reproduced to sell prints.
3. I would like to join the local arts council and try to sell some of my work at their gallery.
4. I would like to participate in at least 3 art/crafts shows this year.
5. I would like to enter at least one competition/show.
6. I would like to keep up with my blog and website!!! This one is hard for me.

Keep checking back!

Well that's all for now!