Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Really!

Alright for those of you that have been following my blog, I'm sorry, but it hasn't been a priority. Although, back when the winter months gave me extra time to "blog", the spring and summer have kept me occupied. I have been working outside alot. I have a veggie garden, as well as a few yards that I mow around the neighborhood. Along with working part-time at Walgreen's and my usual teaching, I haven't had time to Carve it, Ink it, Print it.
We recently went to PA. and Delaware to visit family and had the opportunity to meet with some of my wife's family that are artist. They were encouraged me to continue what I have been doing with the printing. So while I am on my summer break I'm going to try to put out at least one new print. Let's see if I can actually accomplish that?
Over the weekend I was also gifted with about 100 ft. of chain-link fencing, and all the hardware, that I hope to put up around my garden area. That may have to wait until cooler weather though. It has been in the upper 90's for the past couple weeks. It is bad enough getting out in it to mow grass.
That's all for now, stay cool!